Chawla IPS ( Managing Director )

Daffohils Laboratories Private Limited.

About Ips Chawla

InderPal Singh Chawla with total 34 years of experience in marketing and manufacturing, is a member of Cost & Works Accountant of India. Besides being a post graduate in commerce, MBA From IIM Kashipur besides being a postgraduate in commerce he has also done a special training program from the prestigious HAITWAIT (in association with NIS Sparta) analogous to an MBA in Sales & Marketing; a terrific permutation of Finance & Marketing is the backbone of the Group & has been instrumental in patronizing it as a going concern. His trajectory towards leadership is reinforced through his investments in the Daffohils Laboratories. His unfathomable knowledge about financial & technical intricacies backed by total of 34 years of experience; (not to mention) is key acquaintances with the key players in the pharma arena makes him an indispensable individual.IPS as he popularly referred, because of his progamatic attitude is a true mentor, the man of seamless vision & dynamism is designed as the Group’s Chairman cum Managing Director.

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